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Old 03-10-2017, 01:01 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by Dearth View Post
Example of loss of information on Facebook

Tonight One of the FB pages I visit a new person was enquiring about how to scrape the green algae off her tank. Simple enough question but the answers given were about as confusing As it can get. One question 230 replies of which about 2/3rds were about the same answer but contradicting each other.

One person said to use a metal scraper that you can buy at the LFS and within 30 minutes over 50 replies to the scraper answer was answered with use a razor blade, use a plastic scraper, use a putty knife and so on yet nobody actually gave her a good reason why they used so and so item over this item.

Finally thread was shut down and she was still confused fortunately 2 fellow members who live close to her contacted her and gave her the required information about scrapers what to use and not use.

It can happen on forums as well but they tend to be better moderated imo
This is exactly why I never use Reef Central, same thing happens there too. I just stick to local FB forums where questions get answered by maybe a dozen people including a few SW store owners who are also active in the pages. Smaller centers won't have this so have to go on FB pages that include 1000's of people from all around the world were things can be done much differently.
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