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Old 01-02-2015, 09:43 PM
edikpok edikpok is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 182
edikpok is on a distinguished road

I bought a bucket of Reef Crystlas - will give this a try. Measured Mg today and it was quite low - 1100. With weekly water changes, one would think that no dosing is requried (and this was the case in the past). However, perhaps the IO batch that I used over the past 3 weeks had low Mg.

As for the lights, I change the CF bulbs every 6 months and these ones are only 4 months old.

Also noticed today that a few other corals started receding, so whatever the problem is, it is systemwide-hopfully the new salt will help it.

Anthony, I will PM you.
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