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Old 04-23-2014, 04:19 AM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Calgary
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FishingGoalie is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by kien View Post
ZOMG Dez you are my HERO!! So I unplugged my airline from the silencer and voila! No more micro bubbles! And since the skimmer wasn't ejecting microbubbles anymore they were actually going INTO the skimmer like they should be and the skimmer started to work like a champ again! ZOMG Dez !!

I tried to shove a wire up the elbow that leads into the silencer and could not get it to go! I shoved a q-tip in there and ya it is pretty dirty. Something is clearly obstructing it. Probaby a snail wedged in there real good or just a comination of things maybe I dunno. I tried to get a coat hanger in here but it wouldn't budge. The silencer may be a write off. The skimmer sounds like meat grinder now without the silencer but at least it is skimming and not shooting microbubbles into my tank anymore! I may just save myself $1000+ dollars and MacGuyver my own silencer.

Maybe some more of those Darn Feather dusters ;-)

Congrats on finding the problem
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