Thread: Contest #2
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Old 04-15-2009, 05:59 PM
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Ron99 Ron99 is offline
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Lot's of good suggestions and discussion. After considering all the input I think the following would be good:

1. Two Categories; stock tanks and custom tanks
2. Hardware - limited budget of maybe $300 to $400
3. Livestock - unlimited budget (hey if somebody wants to blow $2000 on livestock more power to them. I think the contest should be based more on the whole package rather than what fancy corals or rare fish somebody has)
4. Display limited to 20 gallons with a max 20 gallon sump
5. Total of 6 months contest time with no set wet deadline (to give people as much time as they need for the build) and no changes in the last month (other than water changes of course).

As for start date maybe June 1st. I know my schedule is pretty full and life seems to be busy for many people so that gives a bit more time to plan for those wanting to do a custom build.

YMMV but I think the above maybe incorporates many of the opinions and suggestions made so far.
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