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Old 09-28-2012, 05:40 PM
ogopogo ogopogo is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Manitoba
Posts: 39
ogopogo is on a distinguished road
Default Yellow watchman gobys.

So my YWG let of a clutch of babies last night, I guess they were a mated pair, who knew!
So my question is, how can I keep these alive?
I syphoned out as many as I could, Put them in a 5 gallon tank with an air stone dialed way back, a small heater keeping the tank at 78f.
Planning to do a small maybe 3/4 gallon water change a day, Just take the water from my main tank? Or add straight new water? I would assume from the display tank would be less stressful for them?
Im feeding them live rotifers right now, How often and how much should I be feeding them a day? I put about 3-4 ounces of live rotifers in last night (from a friends culture) and another 3-4 this morning.
And finally, what are the chances I can keep these little fellas alive? They all survived the night so I guess thats a start. The little bit that I found online said if you can make them survive past the 4 day mark you are usually in the clear.
Thanks guys!
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