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Old 02-27-2013, 05:13 PM
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Midway Midway is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 131
Midway is on a distinguished road

I own 7 black SOLs, the reason I'm selling one if that I had one over my breeder tanks and I think that's a bit of an over kill for that. So I decided to part with that one only. I have 6 SOLs fixtures over my 240g and they're doing an excellent job at growing corals (mixed reef) and I would not give them up. I'd think about it maybe in a couple of years or so but for now they're great!!
240 Gals. Mixed reef. Finally I got my BIG tank!! thanks to the wife of

Man get to know yourself and you will get to know the Universe and the Gods!!
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