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Old 07-12-2011, 08:09 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 1,591
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It might be a bit of a guy thing but I know plenty of lady reefers. Oddly enough, though guys dominate the hobby I think women tend to appreciate it more. My girlfriend and other female friends are always completely fascinated by the tank and talk about the corals the same way they would a flower, etc. (oh it's sooooo pretty! OMG, that Pom Pom crab is soooo cute!) A guy on the other hand is more likely to to kinda give the talk a once over, grunt and say "that's cool"'and then walk away.

I think the hobby isn't as one-sided as we think it is, I think the guys just tend to nerd out about it a bit more... It's kinda like a cool version of a comic book convention.
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