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Old 11-13-2007, 06:32 PM
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andresont andresont is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Port Moody, BC.
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andresont is on a distinguished road

I think we Are progressing; and the good thing is that unlike only few hundred years ago those who had different opinion were burnt or hanged at the city square for entertainment of the crowd, Today we are more civilized. But we need to get better then that.

As long as this thread is still open (Wow) So lets discuss this shell we.

War has to stop at some point.

Nazi were bad so why repeat the same, why not learn from their mistake?
Should we burn all BMW’s and kill all the Germans now because of the Nazi’s past?

We are not able to care for veterans here nor we able to care for POW’s STILL left in Vietnam and they are dying, only few hundred left; still suffering in prison.
What good is this “Remembrance Day” to Them? They are left behind no one cares anyway, this is all big shame.

So why young people go to war?

Confused and brain washed yes, like Pat Tillman was; they are TOLD that there is an enemy, but they still have choice. It’s not like in some European countries and Israel where people Must serve no choice period. I can understand supporting these troops, but not when they make their own conscious decision.

I wonder if people know that many US soldiers now realized that they made a BIG mistake and they hide here in Canada? Almost 3 thousands now! They even have their own lawyer.
But hey lets call them deserters and make them criminals; poof problem fixed…

Do we see foreign soldiers in our back yards?
Did any country in the world EVER used nukes?
Only Americans did Twice !
And we pay for all this …
When we are TOLD that we are fighting for freedom we loose both freedom and security.

We are always fighting some imaginative enemy; before it was Germany, Russia and many more , now its just war on terrorism , something that you can’t put your finger on . Very creative so funds can be pulled for nothing. 6 years after 9/11 gazilion $ spent and they tell us that is Al-Qaida is even more powerful today then before ?

If war HAS to happen then why SOMPLACE else, why it is always OTHER country that has to suffer for “ FREEDOM” ? And “coincidently” it is Always the one that has Oil (!) Why are we not fighting for freedom in Africa? (no oil there?)

Wake up people!

Zeitgeist movie tells the truth.
Alex Jones is true patriot.
CoastToCoastAM is alternative news media source. 15 million listeners over 500 affiliate radio stations.

So I am just going to quote Delphinus

"Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it."

Love and Peace to you all.


Last edited by andresont; 11-13-2007 at 09:33 PM.
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