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Old 12-06-2018, 04:00 PM
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Razor Ramon Razor Ramon is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Spruce Grove Ab.
Posts: 100
Razor Ramon is on a distinguished road

Look slow and steady your guys are right . I meant if you miss understood.
If things are improving keep on that path . Other wise you’ll have to try something else but I should have added the good things don’t happen over night it takes time .you guys give good advice ! I dealing with the Dino break out too on a new system . There is many ways to get to the end goal of a stable system
And that’s where we would like to get to and it dos t happen over night .iv been battling this for over a month on this new system . Sorry if I ****ed you off this morning . This isn’t advice it’s just my journey to beat the Dino’s
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