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Old 01-20-2022, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Trigger Man View Post
I sure do miss the glory days of the past. This Canreef was full of new content and a place where newbies could get some great knowledge. It does seem that saltwater marine in general is dying down, at least in Calgary. The fish stores seem to continually be shrinking down their Marine and coral sections. I remember that Q1 of every year used to be the busiest time on Canreef, with so many new members joining after receiving their first setup for Christmas.
Hopefully something changes and this site starts to get more traction again.
I agree. I am in Lethbridge and remember making day trips. You barely had enough time to hit all the stores and maybe double back for that item you regret not buying. It was super busy and very popular. Now we would be hard pressed to make 3 hours depending on traffic in the city.

I think the hobby has gone underground. More basement and garage sellers, plus corals being easier to grow makes for alot of resell.

To me it seems the Brick and Mortar are so focused on trying to compete with the hobbies that it is a loosing battle for them. They need to focus on bringing in new, different livestock that the hobbies wants to buy, grow, and sell. Dry goods need to be more on point with online, if I can order and ship to my door for significantly less money than walking into the store then the hobbies won't shop there. The last thing, INCREASE SOCIAL MEDIA PRESCENCE. It's a 5 hour gamble when we come to the city. Did the stores get an order, are the tanks full, is it new stock? All questions Noone should have to ask with how easy and cheap it is to reach people in this day and age.
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