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Old 01-05-2018, 03:55 PM
Moogled Moogled is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Calgary
Posts: 427
Moogled is on a distinguished road

Buying used is always caveat emptor but it definitely sucks. I've been fortunate that I bought a couple of MP10's and a Radion G2 on the cheap about a year back. The MP10 were a bit on the used side but I've been using them for a year without issues now. Same with the Radion.

That seller you mentioned doesn't seem to acknowledge that you asked him a couple times over the course of 3 days to check the LED's and his excuse is that they worked when he put them into storage. That said, I was also surprised that he implied you showed up unannounced/with very little notice given that he never bothered to reply to you if the LED's were actually still working.

Certain stuff like return pumps, heaters, and ESPECIALLY ATO's I'm more than happy to buy brand new.
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