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Old 12-09-2008, 03:20 AM
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Parker Parker is offline
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Parker is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by RonPeter View Post
OK so I tried finding:
Blue world aquarium
5544 calgary trail nw
edmonton, ab t6h 4k1, canada
(780) 758-8088‎

But I got kinda mixed up...coming in on White Mud from Sherwood Park I turned off on the 99th street turn off and continued on to Calgary Trail, it looks like Calgary Trail turns into Gateway Boulevard at about 40th do I turn up Gateway to find Blue World? What other stores are near it so I can try and find it? Is it on the left or right side? LOL Thanks for any help I get!
I'll try to explain it the easiest way for someone from out of town.

Gatway BLVD runs north, one way, Calgary Tails runs south, one way. Take the same exit you did last time, got on Gateway BLVD and head north. Take a left on 63 ave ( AKA Argyle Road) Take a left on Calgary Trail. Get in your far right lane and watch for the Husky station as the road curves slight left. It will be in the stip mall beside the Husky.

If you want I can PM you my phone number in case you get lost again.. I'm five min's from there and I can come guide you.

If it's in the evening that is.

Last edited by Parker; 12-09-2008 at 03:22 AM.
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