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Old 04-02-2012, 04:18 PM
RuGlu6 RuGlu6 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Vancouver PoMo
Posts: 829
RuGlu6 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Flash View Post
sorry you got stood up... but lashing out that bad about it? did you try calling this said person? texting? things come up... sometimes people don't have a means to contact you. but you being this upset about something this minor is a little scary. was he suspposed to bring you something? sell you something? buy something from you? It all just seems a little extreme. I don't know how old you are. but just take a deep breath and relax a bit! way worse **** happening in the world. if you have this much anger, maybe you should get some help. wouldn't want to meet you in person.
+1 Big time.
1000 or more people DIE every day in wars that we support, people losing homes, millions of animals are being slaughtered per day... and this guy is complaining about 40 minutes of his time, talking about karma and making an enemy!?! for Life !?!
And i thought my ego was big LOL.

Would NOT want to meet this person ether.

Wow, talking about perspectives....and opinions is there really a way to stop violence on this planet? we are still so primitive as a species.

When people will realise that there is no you, me or them, we are all one and connected to each other. Your reality is just a mirror image of yourself.
Hate will lead to suffering, better to understand this while you are still alive (regardless of your age) or you will have to waste another life or 100 lives before you get it brother.