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Old 07-07-2012, 06:27 PM
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HaZRaTTy HaZRaTTy is offline
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Well in theory its a great idea, but they're are some problems with throwing everything over. I see you have LPS, no Fish?

I'm not sure how long your tank has been setup, or it even has a sand bottom but I would refrain from moving your sand over it could cause an outgas of toxins that build up in your sand bed. You could always replace the sand with new, or rinse yours really well.

How far is your move? Across the house? Room?

I"m sure you will still see a small cycle in the new tank, Its up to you if you want to transfer over all your livestock at the same time as your LR and water. Personally I would move it over in steps. Which would be a problem if you only have one sump, but its doable.

You could move it over in stages, Fill your 75g with 20G from the other tank and fill up the 75 up to the overflow w/o the sump while keeping your 50G running. Move some LR over from the old system and let it run with a powerhead for a few days. Do a WC on the 75 and move stuff over? You could also just move everything over at the same time, but I wouldn't be surprised if you had a few casualties in the process, either way.

I've never had to move a tank like this so I can only give you so much information, hopefully someone pipes up that has experience with a move similar so you can pick them and see what worked. Also try searching canreef on similar posts as I know I have seen a few people ask about the same sort of thing.

Good Luck. Sorry I couldn't give you more but at least its a start.
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