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Old 04-04-2021, 10:49 PM
marineman41 marineman41 is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 25
marineman41 is on a distinguished road

I never made it in to get my water tested at my LFS... however, I bought a new Hanna alkalinity reagent today and I made the switch to Red Sea blue bucket salt a couple weeks ago. After my normal 15 gallon water change every Sunday, my DKH was 8.2 and my PH was 8.3. I think the new filters on my RODI unit are helping with the diatoms as well.

I think that all my issues are due to tampering too much with the aquarium, trying to get the right number when I needed to step back and let things happen naturally.

Maybe it was a bad batch of reagent that brought on all my frustrations.

Thanks for listening and your feed back.
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