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Old 04-19-2016, 03:27 AM
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ReEf BoSs ReEf BoSs is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Vancouver, bc
Posts: 101
ReEf BoSs is on a distinguished road

Not saying i agree one way or the other.
Did anyone even ask if the tank was level? Stand may be built nice but what happens if the floor changed a bit .... He did just have his floors redone.Not one person asked a question about the floor. Grab a level, take a pic would be my advise to the guys on the forum. I couldnt even tell you if the floor under tank was concrete or carpet... Was the stand leveled like crap or done rather exceptional? Or maybe im just over thinking it.

I dont know tank construction, i just know when people just side one way without even questioning anything they are usually missing something important. Learn from all your mistakes even if its just buying from the wrong company in the end.
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