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Old 05-19-2016, 01:37 PM
robbyG robbyG is offline
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Join Date: May 2016
Location: FLORIDA
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robbyG is on a distinguished road

I had that issue once about a month after I got my controller. I had the display set to power save mode and locked. I am not sure but after that I just left the display on and unlocked and it has not happened again in 11 months. I did report it to AQT as I think it has something to do with the power saving mode for the display.

New firmware should be out in 10 days, that I hope fixes the problem.
Although I now prefer to keep the screen on 24/7 so it's non issue for me.

Other possibility if you were not using the screen saver mode is that you might have had a voltage sag that locked up the unit. I am not sure if your area is prone to that, if so I suggest either a small UPS just for the controller adapter or you could buy a Fridge Guard for a few bucks.

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