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Old 12-31-2015, 06:35 PM
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whatcaneyedo whatcaneyedo is offline
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A picture is worth a thousand words. Have you tried moving it to a location with better exposure? It could be 'polyp bailout' which is a reaction to high stress and unfavourable conditions. Or it could be budding which is a reproductive tactic of a healthy coral. Again, a picture is worth a thousand words. I've commonly read about bailout happening with the Elegance Coral. If your water parameters, Ca and Alk are within range are they also stable? Constant fluctuations cause my coral growth to suffer when I'm not being diligent enough. Also, what about phosphate? Phosphate inhibits calcification. Magnesium is also important for stabilizing the balance between Ca and Alk. Are they getting fed from time to time? All LPS benefit from the occasional meaty bits landing on them. How about other fish or inverts picking on them? It took me months to catch my diadema urchin in the act snacking on mine... Do they have a nice protected location within the tank? Or are they constantly getting knocked around or buried with sand?
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