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Old 12-22-2014, 11:46 PM
tparsons tparsons is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 289
tparsons is on a distinguished road

Yes the tops should be popped, to allow for fresh oxygen for the animals.

There is some food in the bottle which helps keep the animals alive during their lifecycle which depending on their care is 3-6 weeks from birth with tops popped and kept in the fridge.

Birth date is noted on the side of the container.

All Stores receive this paperwork with their order for health of the animals and for client information;

"When you receive Doc’s Eco Matter, make sure to pop the tops to refresh O2, for both in and out of the fridge storage. 7-10 days without tops popped, they will die off.

Refrigerated and tops popped they will last 3-6 weeks.
Unrefrigerated they will go through their life cycle faster
and will only be good for 2-4 weeks.

Important things to note about the product, when first removed from the fridge, there may be “sediment” on the bottom. This is very normal and sediment is the following;
1) Phyto which has settled to the bottom
2) Detrius as the animals shed a lot
3) They will go dormant in the fridge and sit on the bottom
Once warmed up, they will start moving again."