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Old 01-24-2016, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Proteus View Post
Not sure about your ph meter but I have a old one I bought when I was studying botany. I found that if I tried to use it directly in dt that I would get low readings. But when I too water out of tank I would get higher readings.
I could only attribute it to the lights affecting the probe. Not sure if it's accurate but may be worth a shot with yours just to see
Thanks for the idea, and actually I unconsciously did this yesterday. I removed a 2L jug of saltwater from the display and set the jug into a cooler. I tested pH at 7.8 in the tank, and also in the jug. Ironically that's the first time I've seen it hit 7.8. I aerated the jug outside for 3 hours, and then tested pH at 8.0. So there's definitely some CO2 in the house affecting the tank, and I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to do something about that or not. Running a line outside won't work since it gets so cold I think it will affect the tank too much. A CO2 scrubber is probably the only reasonable option, but then I'd have to monitor pH all the time and replace the media. So I'm not sure I like that idea either.
~ Mindy

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