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Old 03-22-2017, 02:42 PM
Dendromad Dendromad is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: North Vancouver
Posts: 58
Dendromad is on a distinguished road

I have a hard time believing a lot of that tbh and it sounds like an activist drumming up support. There are a small number of people out there at the moment trying to generate hate against the aquarium. If that is who he is talking about, he mentions the Vancouver Aquatic Center a few times which is a swimming pool. Despite this there are lengthy processes to be able to fire someone under contract unless they are in their 3 month probationary period during which time if the fit isn't right for either party then either can terminate the contract that is signed (the document he refers to) and has this info written in to it. This person was within the 3 month probationary period.
The policy on breaks for staff is fine and in line with other employers and managers (and HR) are usually strict about ensuring employees take them.
As for the allowing the friend admission, he probably didn't follow protocol and have the person added to the guest book, if your name's not down your not coming in. I doubt very much it was because they were homeless.
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