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Old 11-06-2013, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Basile View Post
So to all the managers out there who may be listening , reading or answering rudely pick it up butter cup! Its a sad situation when you have to go to another country to get stuff from the same company who serves both countries but leaves us with the left overs. If you ever visit a plumbing section in the states versus one in Canada you'll see what i mean.
First of all, theres a thing called a phone. Maybe use that first before driving all over the country side looking for a fitting. Second, I cannot imagine that there was nothing available that couldnt be used. Ive been to a wholesale a couple times, and they could always find a fitting or fittings that could be used instead of. Third, and probably should have mentioned first. A fitting. One? A manager/company/wholesale is not going to, and never will, bend over backwards to fill an order of one fitting. The cost of which was what? $1.50?? Tops??
Im sorry, but I laughed when I read this. This is called poor planning on your part. You mentioned "a leak, and you need it now".....Sorry, but pvc fittings and pipe dont just spring a leak. If anyone is planning on doing something serious on their tank that involves the plumbing, you had better have a plan and a good one.
Now before you complain at my answer, which I know is coming. Tell me this. Did you reasearch this at all? Again, the phone and computer in front of you would have solved your problem faster. And for the record, I shop local.
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