Thread: New 29G BioCube
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Old 05-15-2009, 08:42 AM
DACJ DACJ is offline
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Well, some updates, but I am not sure if it is good at all...

I found a few tiny tiny worms, different looking ones, there was one which was black in color and white horizontal stripes all over it, and there was one like centipede, I googled online and I'd say the 2nd one may be a flat worm? but it is way too tiny at this point to tell I guess, it is like a thick human more than it's really small at this point, the 1st one is acutally a little thinner than the 2nd. But anyways, I can't get a picture of any of them. But I thought miscallaneous worms will form during cycle, so I am not too worried about that...

My main concern is.... there was one thing that looked like a clam, the kind that we use to make clam chowder, stuck in a LR I have...well, let's put it this of my LR has a whole which fitted the THING perfectly, for the first week I thought it was maybe some rock stuck to it and didn't mind it very much, the 2nd week it started to open up a little like a clam would, so I wasn't much surprised if it was actually a clam...since the LR did not leave the water more than 20 min from the LFS to my place...but today, I found a little slime...snail like...SLUG i would say, in my tank, at first I was just looking at the LR looking weird, then it moved, immediately I realize it's a slug...but had no idea where it came from, then I looked into the place where the "clam" was stuck at...there is a hole in the I am very sure that it wasn't clam or anything like it, more like the slug was dormant, or maybe you could say that it was in a cocoon-like stage?

I was very worried...since it is bigger than any turbo snails I've seen, and I googled online, most of the sea slugs people have it there tanks are relatively small, or even tiny, but mine is big big I'd say, you all know what size a clam's about that size...

It's dark brownish, with brighter bottom, and I saw a white dot on the back of it as it tried to run away everything I use a flash light to shine on it, it is now hiding in places of LR where I couldn't get him out and I don't want to move around the LR just yet, I will wait till tomorrow morning and see if I can try to catch it and bring it to my LFS, in the mean time, if I can't catch him, could anyone please give me an insight on what it may be? Harmful or not?

Thanks a lot!

Wow...updated, I acutally caught it before I went to bed, it was on my top LR so I decided to take it out, its not as huge as it seemed to be, so I am thinking worse case, the clam-like size was maybe because there was two of them and they were sticked on to each other? I can't really get a clear picture, it moves quite fast compare to a snail, but it looks just like one, two black dot eyes, two very long and very flexible tentacles, and two ear-looking like things at its head, which will also twich when it is scared, its got very hard back with hair on it as well, 6 main back hair, which is about 1/3 the length of the two tentacles, and lots and lots of tiny hairs. the white spot I mentioned was long stripe diagonally on his back.

Last edited by DACJ; 05-15-2009 at 09:10 AM.
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