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Old 10-20-2010, 01:39 PM
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viperfish viperfish is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Dawson Creek
Posts: 684
viperfish is on a distinguished road

Holy crap, I missed reading this one! There's a kid that hates his father (even though he probably wouldn't have the things he has now if it weren't for him), some gal that thinks cigarette butts cause more damage than the Gulf of Mexico! I think we need to call Jerry Springer. I'll tell you one thing that's worst on your health than cigarettes, STRESS, and some of the non smokers here seem pretty high strung. To the Kid with the righteous attitude; we all have our vices, and no one is perfect. I think you'll find (after you get a few years under your belt) that everyone has a little sinful enjoyment that they shouldn't be doing but that's what makes us human. I couldn't imagine living life being a chronic worrier about all things health and environmental related, and hating everyone that weren't the model human being. Focus on the good things (you can still be responsible about the environment) around you and you may not live a terribly long life but at least it will be a good one. I see a kid who has had a serious "hate on" for his parents, you my friend are wasting precious time. Even the young and healthy can develop life threatening illnesses, and those "evil" people that have nasty habits can live a long life so leave it at that and don't be so miserable!

Wait a second... what the heck does this have to do with smoking and skimmers LMAO! Oh well just my 2 cents.
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