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Old 12-21-2014, 01:55 PM
KevinK KevinK is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Victoria
Posts: 320
KevinK is on a distinguished road
Default Walking out

Less than 5 years ago, blue world started as a bould idear of hobyists,

In the 5 years thy wiped out 2 of the 3 Local fish stoors on the island that have reef stuf.

Some hobyists prefer not to shop there, as less is offered on the island as they wiping out 2 competitors resulting in prices going up.

Now after wiping out 2 ( progressive reef and safari pets) leaving not much choise for hobbyists, thy are exploring to walk out.

Offering the store to other hobyists to pick up the mayhem.

I might be critesised to put it this way, but having the right to express myselve, i find this kind of practise verry, verry concerning.

Wiping out easteablisht stores, and then walking out