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Old 12-19-2011, 04:05 PM
Werbo Werbo is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 436
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Default Bleach

[quote=Myka;662517]Personally, I like to replace the sand bed every 2-4 years. It can be removed, bleached, then dried out (this will off-gas the bleach).

I just rinsed an old sandbed that was sitting in my garage for the last month. Smelled so bad the neighbor thought there was a gas leak. I was considering bleaching it as well but was worried. Will the bleach really be "off-gassed " and harmless.

I am not planning on adding it back to my tank for 2-3 months so I have lots of time. I agree with soaking the sand in RO to leach phosphates. But will the bleach really be inert after the sand is dried?
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