Thread: Advice on HLLE
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Old 03-24-2013, 01:15 AM
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
Yes he did. Maybe a tiny bit of pitting that was barely noticeable but he pretty much fully healed. Unfortunately when the nori ran out and I got lazy about buying more it came back with a vengeance after a few weeks. My goal for myself is to feed nori everyday to help clear it up again. My problem is my big trigger loves the nori so he often gets it before the angel and tries to take my fingers off in the process. Part of the reason I'm not motivated to feed it daily.
Thanks Laurie. Since the pitting isn't very deep on the blueface as of yet, I'm hoping it can make a full recovery without much permanent scarring. Like your situation, I've got 5 other large tangs and a bluethroat trigger that all want in on the nori making it difficult for the blueface to get the majority of the feeding. An entire sheet of nori pretty much goes missing within 30 seconds of entering the tank.

Originally Posted by i have crabs View Post
I have a yellow tang that got it about 8 years ago, happend after a large ich outbreak I did the low salinity thing and ended up having nitrates go through the roof from die off and that's when it started for me I cleaned up the water and started feeding selcon and other vitamin additives and it stopped but she is badly scared up and it never healed, she has the color back but the scaring got pretty bad,
Sorry to hear your yellow tang suffered permanent damage. My yellow tang which also suffered minor HLLE symptoms has pretty much fully recovered aside from a scarred dorsal fine. Not sure if this was a result of the HLLE itself but I'm guessing it was a fin nip from one of the other fish that never healed properly due to the HLLE being present.
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