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Old 09-07-2016, 06:30 PM
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Aqua-Digital Aqua-Digital is offline
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Originally Posted by rockworm View Post
I have to ask something. Your original post you said you were going to use the Radion G3. Then you say to wait until Sept when you reveal the light package. Today is Aug 26. That is only 6 days until Sept 1. You gotta tell me: Are you going with the new G4? You can tell me. I can keep a secret. ��
Yes we are fitting 2 x G4 pros! the delay in fitting is simply due to the fact we cant keep them in stock we are distributing so many. everytime I put some aside of my own tank I end up having to sell them!

No corals in the tank and its got some light due to the overhead LED spots, so I will likely fit them in the next 10 days

First fish went in today plus a massive amount of snails! Thanks to Darren at Exotic Reef for supplying us with our livestock for the build.

I will report back asap as to how the Seneye reacts to the spike in Bio Loading, although with just two small Clowns I am not expecting dramatics.