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Old 08-29-2016, 04:59 PM
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Location: Courtenay, BC
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Originally Posted by Dearth
As far as Carriers are concerned most pet stores I understand try to ship via Westjet as again as Myka stated they are considered to be much more pet friendly than Air Canada but then again you are limited to what flies to your local or regional airport so check to be sure they do daily deliveries
I have found the opposite to be true with Westjet. Shipments are routinely lost or miss connections. 2 out of the past 5 shipments to Moncton have been lost in Toronto but found the next day. Air Canada is much more reliable but they used to be more expensive.

One time my wife and I were flying Westjet and we brought our miniature poodle along. My wife watched them load him in Calgary. When we arrived in Abbotsford they never offloaded him and had closed the cargo doors to the plane for the night. Leaving our dog inside the plane for the night in January. My wife tried to get someone to tell them our dog was still in the plane and the cargo handlers had left. She had no luck finding anyone so she opened the terminal security door to the ramp to get someones attention. Security quickly came and she explained what happened. They then sent a cargo handler to fetch our dog. It ended well but only because my wife doesn't tolerate incompetence with animals.
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