Reactors were re-positioned. They still hang over the sump enough to leak into it, although the pic doesn't give the perspective.
Sump cooling fans got an upgrade; When I run out of 80mm fans in my pile, I will build a new bracket for whatever cheapest/most popular ones are on the market - 120mm, 140mm, whatever
Siliconed the contacts this time as the last set corroded
New mounting bracket
New location, and besides removable, it's also able to slide out of the way
Dosers got a partial upgraded location
As mentioned, this is where the tubes will drip into the sump, just before the last baffle to the return section. They may be hard to make out on smaller screens, but there are 3 holes for 1/4" airline tubing. Squint !!
The electrical panel received a total makeover;
I moved it to the other wall, giving the plumbing some more space through the wall.
I built a complete new panel, with all the duplex outlets now flush, and used nearly 20' of panduit.
Now all my Reefkeeper Bus cables are completely isolated from any 12v/120v lines.
After 4 weeks of running ... no bus errors
And a cover