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Old 05-26-2016, 09:43 PM's Avatar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: calgary
Posts: 1,758 is on a distinguished road

Reef meet and a frag swap is always a fun place to be and meet new friends.
Someone's house gonna be full for a day and dirty for couple days to

We know everyone has already a reef setup and what's a good raffle give away that everyone could use.

As we already know 100% of the attendee have their reef setup either trying to fill their tanks or add new special corals or just to have a fun meet.

I would imagine a small amount of people will be thinking of tank upgrade. Maybe know of a friend that is looking to get salty hands.

We could only offer product we believe in and distribute, without further due and as some tell me that I over

We already have top quality Aqua-Carbon 2.0 on the way for 12 raffles tickets.Good for those with already running setup.($23/ 1L containers treating 500 gallons) More information on the webpage.

We believe everyone should win something so for the rest and the ones needing the Aqua-Carbon 2.0 could purchase off the webpage for a discounted cost of $17/container or multiples for $15/container.This special will run only for a week with special code "carbon2"

Its not over yet.
If you are upgrading or know of someone looking to aquascape, well you will receive an added 5% total special prices on the rock we have on the webpage.
Yes we all hate buying rock that we don't see or know what we are getting but as most of you know we do free aquascape with videos so you know exactly what you will be receiving.

We hope everyone get what they want and have fun.
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