Thread: Algae ID
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Old 05-23-2016, 06:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Hey this looks very much like the growth I was getting in my tank. I can't remember why it started (I'm not near my note book right now). At first I thought it was a bacteria bloom and dosing Coral Snow helped a little bit. I tried all sorts of things. My tank was 0/0 for N/P. I added a Tuxedo Urchin and it went to town on it. The Urchin completely eradicated it within a few weeks. I just removed the Urchin yesterday, and I'm hoping to plague doesn't come back.
Thanks Mindy. I will get a tuxedo urchin to deal with it. I remember similar stuff popping up while I started the tank and turbos took care of it but the algae just got replaced by poops so they had to go.

Originally Posted by rsisvixen View Post
From what I've read-the bubbles are usually indicative of cyno.
Cyno has a couple of diff varieties ranging from the purple gel like stuff to a hairy brown/green variety.
Thanks for your input and you are right, cyano has several different forms. But bubbles can be indication of anything that photosynthesizes: cyano, dino, hair algae, etc. Don't really know the science behind why corals don't form bubbles. And it is not colonial and is attached to the rocks so pretty sure it is not a cyano. But I might be wrong.

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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