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Old 05-07-2016, 06:41 PM
robbyG robbyG is offline
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Originally Posted by mrhasan View Post

I was able to dig the following bugs:
1. Fahrenheit doesn't work for hysteresis.
2. Email test function doesn't work.
3. The controller doesn't show/store data for SG unit while other units for density works fine.
Yes there certainly was a EU focus factor when Aquatronica worked on the units of measurement. They first made sure the most common units used in the EU worked properly.

As for the email I actually had no problem with the Test function, but I know others have, it seems to depend on which ISP you use. I am pretty sure it's a simple fix since the email itself works properly.

They had these same kind of bugs when the ACQ110 first came out. Aquatronica always focuses on the Core functions first and foremost. They absolutely do not want your controller to crash or lockup or turn on something when it should not be turned on. Once they have that in place they fix these kinds of problems. We are at the point where they are fixing these remaining small issues. Next comes the fun part when they ask for requests for new features. They pretty much gave us everything we requested for the ACQ110 and ACQ115.

The new version of firmware for the Touch is supposedly coming out at the end of this month and should fix those problems. I did point them out to Massimo a couple of months ago and he said they were being fixed.

The SG unit problem you are having is strange because I am not having that issue at all. As you might have seen in my review on Reefcentral the SG is right there on screen #1

It also stores the Data and Graphs it. The only problem is that the Graph auto scaling is not working properly, so you cannot see small changes for example from 1.024 to 1.025 on the graph. That is something that they say will be fixed.

The FAT lines on the graphs are also a major issue that I was assured would be fixed.

Also Graphing Data is stored on internal memory, I asked them about having it moved to external memory so that we could just stick a USB key or SD card into the PC to archive it.
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