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Old 05-06-2016, 11:41 PM
robbyG robbyG is offline
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Originally Posted by mrhasan View Post
The sequence function of ACQ115 does need a PC and cannot be programmed via controller but I have never been able to determine what this is for anyways. So probably won't be a big deal.

Man you have been in this hobby longer than I my age haha. Sorry to hear about your prior experience with your old fishes; I guess that is just part of the hobby.

Your right, and if I remember correctly so does the email. Unfortunately that became useless a few years after they released the module as all email went SSL. Your right about loses being part of the Hobby, that's why I try not to put anything in my Tank that I am not at least 90% sure that it is going to survive. Unfortunately what stings the most is when you have dotted all the I's and crossed all the T's and then Murphy comes in and shows you who the boss is.

The Sequence programs are great, it's the only way you can setup an automatic water changing systems.

On a Smaller scale it's great for setting up fish feeding sequences.

1) Main Pump Off
2) Power Heads Off
*) You can now Add the food by hand
4) Wait 4 minutes
5) Turn Powerheads back on "Stir up any food that may have settled"
6) wait 1 min
7) turn powerheads back off
8) Wait 2 minutes (let fish pick up remaining food)
9) Turn on Powerhead
10) Turn on main Pump.


Last edited by robbyG; 05-06-2016 at 11:49 PM.
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