Thread: Corals
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Old 04-27-2016, 08:49 PM
r212019 r212019 is offline
Salt Poller
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: North Vancouver, BC
Posts: 75
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Default Update

Updated post of whats still available. I was going to keep my tank but i decided again to sell it all. sorry to all the people that inquired before and didn't get a response. This time im finally selling it all. Im open to offers as well, and even package deals.

RBTA - $30 each / 2 available
Pink/green tube anemone - $40
Rock flower anemone, 1 ultra for $100
toadstool leather w/ green polyps - $50
candy cane - $20 - 8+ heads
green/pink frogspawn - $30
neon green hammer - $60
red/green blasto - $60 approx 8 heads
aussi Torch, 3 heads - Blue tips under actinic - $100
3 orange/green rhodactis mushroom - $25
rock with green rhodactis mushroom and purple mushrooms - $25
pink acan - $50, approx 12 heads
a few acans purchased from canada corals. they didnt fair too well in my tank and lost a bunch of their colors. in the right conditions they could be super sexy again. 2 green frags $20 and $25 each, and a couple others $20-$30 each.
Rock plate covered in GSP - $20

Green Bay Packers - $30 - 10+ heads
Tropic Thunder...i think - $40 - 14 heads
Captain America - $50 - 14 heads
Orange skirt, green center - $50 - approx 6 heads, one of my fav zoas
sunny d's - $150 approx 100+ heads, not sure how i will remove them so they will probably be one of the last to go.
yellowish/greeny skirt w/ orange middle - $100 approx 100+ heads, again these will be one of the last to go as it is in the middle of my rock
rasta - $80 - 30+ heads, also one of the last to go. i might be able to pull out my frag plug and make a frag.

I will also be selling off my fish once im able to catch them.

Yellow Tang - $30
Sixline Wrasse - $20
Mated pair of clowns - $30
Goby sand sifter

Once all the fish and coral are gone, i will be selling the hardware.

60gal Cube, 24x24x24 and stand
AI Hydra 26 w/ wireless controller
Jebao RW8 X 2
Autocad Skimmer
Phosban reactor
pumps and a bunch of misc items
keep in mind that my hardware will not be for sale until everything else is sold first

Let me know if you have any questions

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