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Old 04-12-2016, 03:45 AM's Avatar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: calgary
Posts: 1,758 is on a distinguished road

Wow, this is wrong in so many ways.

I guess by saying yes we have built aquascapes for large tank to house sharks (for a long commitment time not a short burst of fun and leave)

For a shark tank (black, white tip,..) that needs at least 12 cube foot tank, we would never suggest a smaller tank for a shark.

To get such tank built and running you require a decent amount of money as the shark alone might be in the range of $1000 but the build itself and to have it properly running you need at least 30 times that above price.

And on top of it all you need the commitment for such system.
You just shouldn't get a 2 foot pet shark for a year and house it in a small tank for your own enjoyment only then KILL IT as its really hard to rehouse a shark.

There are other fish that could be housed in a nano up to a swimming pool size,yes its not prime for any fish but we all do our best to supply our pets the best we could do.

Just for a reference the last shark build was at least costing the customer $30000 and without a shark yet running for 2 months,..

I will be happy to walk you through getting a shark tank information and understanding the living requirements of such a beautiful beast.