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Old 04-08-2016, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Have you been cycling with the lights on? You have a lot of diatom algae growing, anf it will turn into green hair algae if you're not careful. If you really want some lights, just use the blue LEDs at say half strength for a few hours a day.

I'm not sure what those what patches are, but they don't strike me as unusual.
I had the lights on for the first two days but saw algae on the back wall, so I stopped running them, and only turn them on briefly each day to document how things look.

The patches gradually "dissolved" over the course of several days, and as of about three days ago, there are no diatoms. Today is day 20 of the cycle and I've got .50ppm of ammonia so things are happening.

It's good to hear they don't seem unusual. You can never be sure in this hobby.

Thank you for answering!
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