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Old 04-03-2016, 10:22 PM
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Coasting Coasting is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: BC - PoCo
Posts: 677
Coasting is on a distinguished road

Those light golds are hard to get photos of. But I do have that one all ready. Actually I think there are like 3 separate colonies going in my tank right now...
I don't have a splatter frogspawn or toxic or whatever the hell people decide they are calling it to increase the price. Do have a splatter hammer.

I can't justify buying an aussie gold from a fellow reefer if their trying to charge more then the vendors sell it for.... we're supposed to help each other out and make frags more available. Not charge more then the businesses selling it. Having bought one myself from a vendor I know what they go for. I think Canada corals has 1 right now.... I'm sure others do too.
Mine just happened to die and took my orange tip with it. or the other way around, either way. Gotta replace it lol.
I just bought a new skimmer... My visa is crying with this new tank, I cant afford a $500 + coral order from a vendor right now or it would all ready be on its way to my tank.
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