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Old 04-01-2016, 11:44 PM
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Etaloche Etaloche is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: North Vancouver
Posts: 172
Etaloche is on a distinguished road

Was sold a faulty PC4 module a while back and had some troubles contacting the seller for a bit, but finally got a hold of him and got it all worked out. Instead of a $50 refund I opted to grab this scoly for $20 more.
I've always wanted a scoly but the expensive price deterred me from getting one. $70 is the best price I'm ever going to get for a scoly this size so I couldn't pass up the offer.

The long transit and dip stressed it quite a bit and it lost a bit of color

3 days later and couple feedings did it wonders but colors are still faded a bit. Hoping that more of the orange takes over and it will be a stunning piece of coral! I'm very excited about this purchase

Right after that Anthony invited me over to see of his new corals and fish he got for a great price (what a showoff! )
I love going over to his place and always seeing something new despite his famous last words "I can't add any more to my tanks"

He handed me this candy cane which wasn't doing too well in his tank in hopes that a new environment could bring some life back to it

It was looking a lot better the morning after so I have high hopes for it. If it can recover it will be an awesome addition to my tank as I don't have anything nearly as big as this yet.

Couple of days later it's still showing good signs of recovery. I'll be working hard to bring this one back to good health!

And by working hard I mean staring at it for hours on end

Anthony also shared some frags of the big zoa colonies he picked up

I don't remember the name of this one...

Fire and ice, someone give me some good tips on how to take better photos please. These photos are just dang awful
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