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Old 03-23-2016, 06:56 PM
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rsisvixen rsisvixen is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Maple Ridge/BC
Posts: 244
rsisvixen is on a distinguished road
Default Learned behaviour

I have a school of 4 zebra dartfish, they are roughly around 5-6 inches each and have split into 2 "pairs", each pair having a burrow on opposite sides of the tank. During morning, midday and evening they will usually be out schooling together and doing social behavior of flashing fins and barbs and bumping each other, nothing aggressive seems to be either a hierarchy system or just general communication in the group. Its very fascinating to watch.

I recently added an Atlantic blue tang, juvenile and he was roughly 2 inches when I added him.
He adores the zebras and when they are out he will swim with them, and when they are missing he hangs out with my bicolour blenny.
He mimics whatever they are doing, when hanging with the bicolour he will follow him from perch to perch and eat what the blenny does, and when the zebras are out he will attempt similar social skills with them, darting around and body bumping them. ( I doubt they will be pleased once he hits full size and is bumping them)

I wonder if in the wild juveniles would follow adults around to learn social skills and where the best grazing is rather than just instinctively knowing.
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