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Old 03-22-2016, 12:29 PM
Fin2you Fin2you is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Airdrie, AB
Posts: 81
Fin2you is on a distinguished road

Hi Dave,
In your post you say Concepts has not partnered with Riverfront, yet on Riverfront website I read they are moving & merging with Concept Aquariums. You may be a separate identity but you are working with/have working for you (another thing quoted direct from your own words) A man charged with MULTIPLE HUNDREDS of animal cruelty charges!!! He may have 22years experience to your 2.5, but if that's the kind if experience you wish to draw from, that is your choice. Congrats on bringing in new suppliers of amazing species, but as an animal lover I could care less what you are getting if it's b/c of someone charged with animal cruelty again & who has been convicted of many other cruelty & animal abuse charges in the past. Other people will make their own decisions but I for one will not set foot in your store again you do not deserve my hobby money. But I wish you all you deserve going forward with your business.
Originally Posted by dave_C View Post
Ok I think i need to clear the air here on what is been said about concepts

first point

riverfront aquariums has not partnered up with concepts! we are our own identity
-Wayne is just an employee and is helping me setup our fresh water area
-no we are not getting in to reptiles, maybe just a few dart frogs but thats about it lol
-i wouldn't comment on what is happening at riverfront as i don't know the full details and I didn't think people shouldn't jump to conclusions as there is not much information out there
-wayne has 22 years in this business(i have 2.5) so he is helping me learn the ropes from bring concepts from a hobby to a real business for me.

second point
as far as the place being dirty,smelly and empty tanks, that has to do with the changes that we are under going so please be patient with us as we try to finish up. Just keep in mind, in the last month with only three employees we added 180 tanks for the fresh water area so that has taken a lot of our time and money! so yes the marine side has been lacking of shorts. Now as far as the place being smelly, that's got me as i have asked a few people about this and the only responds is that it smells like any other fish store

Wayne/jason/matt lol has also convince me that our marine fish tank display area needs to be redone and have come up with a great design that should be very interesting to bring to live. To add wayne has also bought in new suppliers that i have not even heard off before, so going forward we will have a lot more marine shipments coming in.

one exciting thing that is starting very soon is we will be flying down to LA every two weeks and we will be able to cherry pick from the new suppliers some of the corals we will be able to import.

so yes things are changing and hopefully it will be for the better

and like some have said we are not everyones cup of tea! we have our goods and bads but i think so does every other store out there

Thanks Dave
Concept Aquariums
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