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Old 03-16-2016, 08:43 PM
Kryos Kryos is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 45
Kryos is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by landon1010 View Post
Would I be able to use just one par38?
It should be fine.. Over a year ago before I took a break from the hobby, I had the RapidLED PAR38 (80 degree optics, mounted 6-7" above water, dimmed to about 90%, which is the max my dimmer would go to when used with this bulb) over a standard 5g with LPS and Zoas with no problems. Since the bulb is dimmable, just make sure you dim it and ramp up over time to acclimating your new coral additions.

I used this with my Par38 for dimming and it worked great.

Since the Nuvo 10 has a cube-ish display (12" l x 12" w x 13" h), a single par38 should be enough spread to cover the entire tank. With some simple math, you would need to mount it at the following height depending on the lens option you go with:

d = degree optics
12" / 2 = 6"
tan(d/2) = 6" / H
H = 6 / tan(d/2)

Approx 7" off the water surface will give a 12"x12" spread on the surface for 80 degree lenses
Approx 10" off the water surface will give a 12"x12" spread on the surface for 60 degree lenses.

I recently restarted the hobby and chose the Nuvo 10 as well. I bought it from an LFS that didn't carry the standalone tank so I just sold the Skkye LEDs to someone here and opted for an AI Prime over my Nuvo 10 instead. They are a little expensive but they are fully featured. But I wouldn't recommend them if you are planning to upgrade tanks in the future. The Par38 from RapidLED are great if you just want something for now and don't mind that they're not the prettiest or coolest looking lights. I liked the color it provided and they're dimmable with a simple accessory.
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