Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 03-12-2016, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by brisco View Post
If you need or would like a 50 gal, until your replacement comes, I have one you can borrow indefinitely.

Thanks Bryce for the very kind offer. I think I'm OK for now but will keep it in mind

Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
Sorry to hear about the leaky tank bud, really shitty. I still think its time for an upgrade. why go through all that hassle and end up with the same result. Let me know if you need anything.
Thanks Bud
I hear ya about upgrading right now, but the money's not available. I've lost a bunch of coral already that could have helped to fund another tank. There just wasn't enough time to try to sell them.
I have a thought I'm working on for a replacement tank.
In the meantime, the warranty one is on it's way

So, update ...
The fish are all doing well in the 36g. Just have to get through the next few days to ensure no ammonia issues.
As for the corals;
-I've lost the majority of the green slimer, but still have the base. It's baseball sized so it'll grow back. It killed a bunch of stuff I wasn't worried about, but I had to throw out some rock
-Candy cane colony is mostly dead, but I'm giving it a chance in it's own water
-Hammer colony is gone
-Beautiful Favia colony is gone
-Lost half the gorgs, other half is unknown so far
-Setosa bleached out completely

As for the rest there's just minimal tip bleaching here and there, and some lightening of color but for the most part it looks like I may be able to salvage a fair amount that I wanted to keep
And surprisingly the RBTAs are hangin' in there as well as their crab

I've got to rig up a light I have here for the corals, test the big 3, maybe float some carbon and change some water. Can't put them in a tub with the skimmer.
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