Thread: Foz Down
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Old 03-11-2016, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by George
Wrong info. Precipitation from Lanthanum chloride is not toxic. What happens is that the precipitation is so small, less than 5 microns, that it can cause irritation on the gills of some fish.
Thanks George. The flocs from Foz Down are not toxic at all.

There is many different grades of the active ingredient and companies make different concentrations. I use a high grade and have the concentration that it is very unlikely to be overdosed. It is strong enough to last an average reef tank of 90 gallons, 6 months to a year depending on fish/food load.

There is dosing instructions on my website at:

This product can remove Phosphate very quickly so you need to not overdo it and give the corals time to adapt to the lower Phosphate levels in your tank.

I personally use the "don't care and don't do anything option" as I view the flocs as completely inert. I clean the detritus out and do regular water changes but that's it as far as flocs go.

For those choosing to try to remove them I have 5 micron 4" filter socks available.
__________________ - Foz Down - an easy way to eliminate algae outbreaks caused by Phosphate and bring back the fun of reef keeping.
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