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Old 03-07-2016, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by LeanneP View Post
I have a 4 years old mixed reef 90 gallon with 10 gallon sump. My tank is pretty full and I have started to have ph swings now. I am in the process of setting up a calcium reactor but have been dosing for a couple of years now. My ph is going down to 7.7 at night now so I know I need to do something about it. Is kalk the best way for the ph swings? Would using a doser at night and dosing once an hour be enough to stop the swings? Or would it need to be dripping constantly to keep it stable? I do have an extra aqua lifter so wondering if that would work.
Are you using a controller with a pH probe? If so, has it been calibrated recently?
A few months ago I was having weird results testing for parameters. I updated my test kits but my results were duplicated so I was fairly confident they were accurate. As it turns out my refractometer reading had drifted. The 1.026 SG reading was actually 1.030. Naturally this threw off my other readings too.

When I set up my Apex the pH probe was also out of calibration by fair bit. It was in a box for several years before I installed it so I still don't quite trust it. If your test kits are old and/or your probe hasn't been calibrated in a while, it might be a good idea to make sure they are reading accurately before making any adjustments.

20 year old Hagen 100g 6' mixed reef. 36g sump with multiple broken Waveline products removed. Lights T5-LED combo.
1 Coral Beauty, 1 Flame, 1 Blue Tang, 5 Green Chromis, 2 Pajama Cardinals, Asst'd hermits & snails.
2 large boxes of broken expensive aquarium crap. 1 x VERY understanding wife.
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