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Old 02-03-2016, 04:31 PM
Animal-Chin Animal-Chin is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Maple Ridge
Posts: 349
Animal-Chin is on a distinguished road

Ya looks like Dinoflagelattes and if it is, they are brutal. I've battled each type of algae in my time and they were the worse.

Chemiclean won't touch them, they aren't the same bacteria. Basically, its red tide like we get in the ocean here.

Best course of action, start sucking them out when you can. Unfortunatley they actually like water changes and clean water doesn't hold them back.

I've heard dosing Hydrogen peroxide works but I was too scared to put that in my tank. Didn't want a crash or anything.

I just kept working and working on removing it but in the end, I removed my rockwork and scrubbed it clean and I removed all my sand as it really gets a hold of it. Put my rock back in, left the lights off for 3 days and when It stopped coming back put more sand in the tank.

I have no proof but I wonder if the lowermainland doesn't get dino's in its water supply. I've noticed at certain times people from different area's start complaining about it around the same time. As if it's getting into our tanks from an outside source. Again, no proof, just an observation.

As for chemiclean and red slime, I used it with great success and I used it with disasterous effects. In my 50 gallon I got red slime bad. I added the chemical and the rapid dying of the bacteria dropped the oxygen in the water really fast. You have to turn your skimmer off so all I had was powerheads in the tank. I dosed the chemiclean, went to bed, got up went to work, got home and all my fish were dead. Killed them all. BRUTAL. Be carefull if you use this product because we all have different systems. On a 180 with a sump you'll be fine, I had a 50 with no sump and it crashed in less than 24 hours.
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