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Old 02-03-2016, 04:15 PM
rockworm rockworm is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Ottawa, Ont
Posts: 54
rockworm is on a distinguished road

At the risk of getting banned, you most regrettably did make a personal attack. So please, in your expert opinion, tell us what is the appropriate minimum tank for a yellow tang? I would also appreciate the reasons for your recommendation.

I would like to extend your "aggression" analysis to include dogs, humans, and most likely any other mammal. Every one has a unique personality from absolute submission to extreme aggression, so your cat example is moot. Put too many of anything in a closed environment and even the most passive will get aggressive.

Finally, if your dog is the size of a mature elephant, then maybe you need 15 acres. I have 3 dogs, two that weigh 25 lbs and one that weighs 11 lbs. I have a 2400 sq foot yard that is more than adequate for them (yes, they are also taken for walks).

Your hyperbole does nothing to your credibility. I am not an animal rights activist, and I do not treat my pets as human. However, I do wish to provide the best environment for them that I can. I have two tangs (tomini and purple) in a 220g and I feel that is sufficient for my tank. Others will see room for more and others for less. I do research the recommended tank minimum as well as the compatibility for any livestock that I add to my tank. I can learn from the experience of others, but that is just me.

Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
That's ridiculous. By that logic, my dog needs 15 acres. Sorry, I don't mean for this to sound like an attack against you personally. I'm just calling out the tang police for being ridiculously overbearing.

100 gallons for a yellow tang... *shakes head*

Anyway, as far as aggression goes, fish are like cats. They're cats and then there's @sshole cats.
400g SPS tank + 75 LPS tank
Remote 90g + 65g sump.
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