Thread: jebao cp 40
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Old 02-02-2016, 07:12 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Unknown build quality & being some corporation's test-bunny are two reasons I am NOT a First-Adopter.

The only time I did that was with the Tunze Nano-Streams and I was burned. Dropped several hundred on a pre-order and then it turns out the manufacturer used the wrong type of plastic and mine never worked properly. The holder broke apart. The clip holding the stream together broke off. Got the holder eventually replaced but that first batch was never any good. I only took a chance on buying the first-run batch because it was Tunze, a supposedly superior German brand. I'm sure their later production runs of the nano-stream are great but this is why I wouldn't chance it on the new Gyre-clones.
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