Thread: AIO bio pellets
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Old 01-26-2016, 03:51 AM
moosehead moosehead is offline
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moosehead is on a distinguished road
Default AIO bio pellets

Just bought some All-in-one bio pellets and my tank turned cloudy, been cloudy for around 2 days wondering how long I should expect this and if that meens it's working. I started with little than half the recomended dose but my nitrates are around 50 ppm my old skimmer broke and i was out of town for 2 weeks working and could get a new skimmer till now. It was a berlin classic 250 and didn't work much as it was so i upgraded to a vertex omega 150, i put the output from the reactor directly into the skimmer intake but the skimmer wasn't working properly for half a day because of cheato in the impeller. How long does it generally take for the pellets to really start working cause my corals are ****ed at me right now lost a acro today. Did a %25 water change but need to go outta town again so it's up to the wife wich meens tank is on cruise control for 2 weeks. Will there be noticeable reduction in nitrates in 2 weeks time? Love to hear from someone with some experiece in this..Thanks alot
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