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Old 01-19-2016, 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic View Post
I watched a documentary about how some reefs, such as around Cuba, are getting overgrown with algae because all the big fish have been caught for human consumption and every year the fish in the marketplace are getting smaller. So overfishing is contributing to the amount of algae taking over some areas. That and I'm sure the spread of the lionfish into these non-native waters doesn't help since these voracious feeders remove a huge percentage of juvenile fish from having a chance to grow up and repopulate the reefs. Its sad really.
On the flip side of that I read an article that said since they had rules about how little gas you were allowed to carry on fishing boats in Cuba, they didn't want boats making the run to Maimi, that the offshore Gardens of the Queen are in pristine condition. Going there is on live aboard dive trips.
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